Items available for Education Loans from The Davistown 19-May-
Marking gauge 43006T7
11 3/4" long, 9/16" square with a single 3 1/8" adjustable depth marker
signed "W. R. Stone"
The signature is not listed in DATM (Nelson 1999); it is almost certainly owner-made.
Rasp 42012T3
12 5/16" long, 1" wide
signed with an English touchmark
This is a typical imported English file. Courtesy of Liberty Tool Co.
Saw wrest 111613T1
9 1/2" long, 5" handle, 4 1/2" long
Scratch marking gauge 81713T3
10" long, 2 3/8" wide, 3" high
signed "G.S. BRIGGS"
SubCategor Woodworking: Planes
Beading plane 72816T1
9 1/2" long, 3 1/2" tall body, 1 3/16" wide
Despite numerous examples of planes by Masters being available for purchase online, the
DATM (Nelson 1999) has yet to include this maker.
Beading plane 1418T1
9 1/2" long, 1 1/4" wide, 5 5/8" tall
signed "WC DREW"
This mark is not listed in the DATM. The shape of the plane is distinctly early 1800's (front
corner pointy, back corner rounded).
Beading plane 91303T4
9 1/2" long, 1" bead
This is a generic run of the mill hand plane typical of a 19th century tool box. The slight
chamfering suggests an early to mid-19th century date.
Beading plane 82717T2
9 1/4" long, 3 1/2" tall body, 1 3/8" wide
signed "G*K"
Dado plane 101819T2
9 3/8" long, 6" tall, 5/8" wide
signed "W. PILLSBURY"

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